The Power of Sadaqah and Charity for a Muslim

Sadaqah - Ummah Crowdfunding
5 min readMar 26, 2022


Like Salah and Sawm, Sadaqah or charity plays a key role in the Islamic faith. Being Muslims, we are taught about giving donations and Sadaqah from an early age.

In most Islamic cultures, the focus of Sadaqah discourse is on the benefits of Sadaqah on those who receive it. The power and benefits of giving charity are often ignored. This becomes a reason for reluctance about giving alms and Sadaqah.

In this present situation, where the Coronavirus and pandemic have disrupted the economic stability of individuals and governments alike, people feel hesitant to give charity.

Unfortunately, we are unaware that this is the best time and opportunity for Sadaqah. If we generously donate at this critical moment, Allah (SWT) will shower His blessings and give us relief from this deadly disease.

Today, I am going to shed light on the benefits of Sadaqah on the donor. We will see how it impacts a donor’s life and hereafter. Understanding these benefits will encourage my Muslim brothers and sisters to donate more and earn more rewards. So, let’s begin.

Charity Does Not Decrease Wealth

If we apply math, we will notice a subtraction of wealth in giving charities. However, this is not the case. Islam is all about faith. Muslims should have a firm belief that Allah rewards more to those who help His people. This key benefit of Saqadah is mentioned several times in the Holy Quran.

“The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” [2:261]

So, whenever we donate something to charity, we should know what Allah (SWT) has promised us. Additionally, we can see commendable examples of Sadaqah from the life of Abu Bakr, Aisha, Uthman Bin Affan, and many others.

While highlighting the benefits of Sadaqah, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:

“There is not a single day in which a servant wakes that two angels come down (from the Heavens). One of them says, ‘O Allah! Give to the one that spends a substitute (for what he has spent). And the other one says, ‘O Allah! Give to the one that withholds (his money) destruction!” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Charity Can Decrease Hardships

In the Holy Quran, Allah (SWT) has emphasized giving charity. At multiple times, the verse of charity is combined with Salah, which is mandatory.

This shows the significance of charity for Muslims. Since Allah (SWT) wants to provide the best route to His believers, He has focused on giving charity so that He can save us from the hardships of life. Yes, by giving charity, we get ease from the difficulties and hardships of our life. Moreover, this ease is not only for this world. Even on the Day of Judgment, this Sadaqah can become a source of getting into Heaven.

“Those who in charity spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve” [2:274].

This promising verse gives us great relief. Being Muslims, all of us worry about life after death. But this verse shows how we can make a safe route to Heaven through Sadaqah.

Charity Removes Sins

No matter how pious we are, all of us commit sins in some part of life. But Allah (SWT) is the greatest of all, and He has promised us forgiveness if we return with a true heart. Like other good deeds, Sadaqah is the best way to wash off your sins.

Today, many Muslims are unaware of the correct forms of Sadaqah. People commonly believe that giving Sadaqah is only for the wealthy. Unfortunately, we do not know that even a simple smile is considered Sadaqah.

Allah (SWT) has set multiple levels of Sadaqah, and the reward is given accordingly. For instance, Allah (SWT) has emphasized giving the most precious or beloved thing in Sadaqah. This is the best form of Sadaqah and the most rewarding. Allah (SWT) says:

“Verily those who give Sadaqah, men, and women, and lend Allah a goody loan, it shall be increased manifold, and theirs shall be an honorable good reward” [Quran 57:18]

Furthermore, we cannot deny monetary help as Allah (SWT) has provided the means of Sadaqah to help the poor. This is a system provided by Allah (SWT), and it brings wellness to the entire society.

Allah (SWT) does not need our wealth as He is the one who gave us all of these blessings. All He wants is to see our intention of helping the poor and obeying His orders.

Charity Provides Endless Benefits

The benefits of giving Sadaqah and spending for Allah (SWT) are endless. The above benefits are just a few. If we look into the depth of these benefits, we can see that Sadaqah given with a true intention, can save us from the fire of Hell. Above all, the life after death, which is a permanent life, can be attained successfully through Sadaqah. Allah says:

“And spend [in the way of Allah] from what We have provided you before death approaches one of you, and he says, “My Lord if only You would delay me for a brief term so I would give Sadaqah charity and be among the righteous.”’ [Qur’an, 63:10]

Final Thoughts

Sadaqah is a safe route for this world and hereafter. It is the smartest investment and the best way of making Allah (SWT) happy. When we love the Creation of our Allah, Allah (SWT) rewards us and provides us even more than we have spent. Furthermore, it is the best way of removing hardships, decreasing sins, and increasing the chances of attaining Jannah.

Sadaqah can be of any form; it can be a smile, a good deed to help others, or monetary help. In this current economic turmoil, try giving as much Sadaqah as you can. If not in monetary terms, try sharing your skills with others. In this way, people furloughed from offices can discover a new way of earning.



Sadaqah - Ummah Crowdfunding
Sadaqah - Ummah Crowdfunding

Written by Sadaqah - Ummah Crowdfunding

SADAQAH is a muslim crowdfunding platform that aims to connect donors with fundraising campaigns for charitable causes.

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